Get Started Guide

Everything you need to use Relvy!

4. Data Sources - GCP  

Go ahead and select either Google Cloud Platform or AWS Cloudwatch and enter your credentials. At any time, reach out to us with any questions.

Connect to GCP (Google Cloud Platform - Google Cloud Monitoring)

If your organization uses GCP, go ahead and put in your credentials and select "Connect GCP"

To connect to Google Cloud Monitoring, you will need a JSON file that is a service account key which contains authentication details for a service account you create in your Google Cloud project, allowing your application to access monitoring data; you can download this JSON file from the Google Cloud console under IAM & Admin > Service Accounts, then select your service account and choose "Create key" with the "JSON" format.

Key points about the JSON file:

  • Access level:
    Ensure the service account has the necessary permissions (like "Monitoring Admin") to access the monitoring data you need.

  • Retrieval:
    Access the JSON file by going to your Google Cloud console, navigating to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts, selecting your service account, clicking "Keys" and then "Add Key" to generate a new JSON key.

  • Usage:
    Once you have the JSON file, you can use it to configure your application or monitoring tool to connect to Google Cloud Monitoring.

See for more.

Choose Connect Google Cloud Monitoring drop down:

After uploading your JSON file, select "Connect GCP"

Once successfully connected, you'll see a green button "connected"

Now that you see the green button "Connected" your GCP is connected to Relvy.

Have questions? Contact us!